Aquí les presento la tercera parte o más bien el tercer post de los títulos de los cortos de Disney:
Parte III
Partes anteriores
lunes, 24 de marzo de 2008
sábado, 22 de marzo de 2008
viernes, 21 de marzo de 2008
Cloverfield en DVD

Title: Cloverfield (IMDb)
Starring: Jessica Lucas
Released: 22nd April 2008
SRP: $27.95
Further Details:
Paramount Home Entertainment has officially announced Cloverfield which stars Lizzy Caplan, Jessica Lucas, TJ Miller. The Matt Reeves directed monster flick will be available to own from the 22nd April, and should retail at around $27.95.
The film itself will be presented in anamorphic widescreen, along with an English Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround track.
Extras will include a commentary by Director Matt Reeves.
4 featurettes (The Making of Cloverfield, Cloverfield Visual Effects, I Saw It! It's Alive! It's Huge, and Clover Fun),
6 additional scenes (Congrats Rob, When You're in Japan, I Call That a Date, It's Going to Hurt, Alt Ending #1, Alt Ending #2), and multiple eastereggs.
We have no word on a Blu-ray release at this time.
miércoles, 12 de marzo de 2008
Harry Potter and the Deadly Hallows en dos partes
From TLC:
Big News everyone! The L.A Times is reporting an exclusive today: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be made in two films, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1" , and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II. Furthermore, the paper cites producer David Heyman confirming the return of David Yates as director for both films, with Steven Kloves to finish out his duties as screenwriter for both Harry Potter movies as well. The movies are to be filmed at the same time, and will be released several months apart, with Part One due November 2010, and Part Two, May 2011.
The article has additional information now, with quotes from producer David Heyman on his conversation with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling on splitting the book into two films. "Heyman said he approached Rowling with some trepidation about the strategy but found that she signed off on its logic rather quickly. "I went to Jo and she was cool with it," Heyman said, "and that was quite a relief."
The newspaper continues saying "Producer David Heyman said the decision was made with some anxiety and only after considerable deliberations. The producer joked that "while my wife and Warner Brothers were pleased" to hear that the Potter movie magic will continue into the next decade, he himself fretted that the cynical observers would see the decision as a purely mercenary move."I swear to you it was born out of purely creative reasons," Heyman said during an interview in a converted airplane factory outside London that has been home base to all of the "Potter" productions. "Unlike every other book, you cannot remove elements of this book. You can remove scenes of Ron playing quidditch from the fifth book, and you can remove Hermione and S.P.E.W. [Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare] and those subplots . . . but with the seventh, that can't be done."
Actor Dan Radcliffe who portrays Harry Potter in the film is quoted as saying "I think it's the only way you can do it without cutting out a huge portion of the book," Radcliffe said recently during a break on the set of "Half-Blood Prince," the sixth "Potter" film, which is due in theaters on Nov. 21. "There have been compartmentalized subplots in the other books that have made them easier to cut - although those cuts were still to the horror of some fans- but the seventh book doesn't really have any subplots. It's one driving, pounding story from the word go."
Of interest to many fans is the spot in the book where the films will break, and producer David Heyman addresses this as he notes: "The question will be, where do you break it? And how do you make them one but two separate and distinct stories? Do you break it with a moment of suspense or one of resolution? These are the interesting challenges. But each book has presented its challenges."
Warner Bros. Chairman Alan Horn and Jeff Robinov, president of Warner Bros. Pictures Group, are expected to discuss the new plans for "Potter" on Thursday during a presentation at ShoWest, the convention of movie exhibitors in Las Vegas.
Big News everyone! The L.A Times is reporting an exclusive today: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows will be made in two films, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1" , and "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part II. Furthermore, the paper cites producer David Heyman confirming the return of David Yates as director for both films, with Steven Kloves to finish out his duties as screenwriter for both Harry Potter movies as well. The movies are to be filmed at the same time, and will be released several months apart, with Part One due November 2010, and Part Two, May 2011.
The article has additional information now, with quotes from producer David Heyman on his conversation with Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling on splitting the book into two films. "Heyman said he approached Rowling with some trepidation about the strategy but found that she signed off on its logic rather quickly. "I went to Jo and she was cool with it," Heyman said, "and that was quite a relief."
The newspaper continues saying "Producer David Heyman said the decision was made with some anxiety and only after considerable deliberations. The producer joked that "while my wife and Warner Brothers were pleased" to hear that the Potter movie magic will continue into the next decade, he himself fretted that the cynical observers would see the decision as a purely mercenary move."I swear to you it was born out of purely creative reasons," Heyman said during an interview in a converted airplane factory outside London that has been home base to all of the "Potter" productions. "Unlike every other book, you cannot remove elements of this book. You can remove scenes of Ron playing quidditch from the fifth book, and you can remove Hermione and S.P.E.W. [Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare] and those subplots . . . but with the seventh, that can't be done."
Actor Dan Radcliffe who portrays Harry Potter in the film is quoted as saying "I think it's the only way you can do it without cutting out a huge portion of the book," Radcliffe said recently during a break on the set of "Half-Blood Prince," the sixth "Potter" film, which is due in theaters on Nov. 21. "There have been compartmentalized subplots in the other books that have made them easier to cut - although those cuts were still to the horror of some fans- but the seventh book doesn't really have any subplots. It's one driving, pounding story from the word go."
Of interest to many fans is the spot in the book where the films will break, and producer David Heyman addresses this as he notes: "The question will be, where do you break it? And how do you make them one but two separate and distinct stories? Do you break it with a moment of suspense or one of resolution? These are the interesting challenges. But each book has presented its challenges."
Warner Bros. Chairman Alan Horn and Jeff Robinov, president of Warner Bros. Pictures Group, are expected to discuss the new plans for "Potter" on Thursday during a presentation at ShoWest, the convention of movie exhibitors in Las Vegas.
viernes, 7 de marzo de 2008
En Blue Sky Disney han estado posteando los títulos de apertura de los cortos animados clasicos de Disney, aquí están los links para que los vean, están muy padres y son ejemplos de diseños muy buenos, creativos y que comunican de forma efectiva el mensaje.
link 1
link 2
Aquí ahora esta el link de un post con los logos hechos por y para Disney. Son logos muy complejos pero con mucho significado y que en los personal me encantan y emboba.
Esto es por la razón por la que entre a diseño...
link 1
link 2
Aquí ahora esta el link de un post con los logos hechos por y para Disney. Son logos muy complejos pero con mucho significado y que en los personal me encantan y emboba.
Esto es por la razón por la que entre a diseño...
jueves, 6 de marzo de 2008
La pregunta del millón

Fruta o verdura?
Debido a que en el campo de la botánica el término “verdura” no existe, no es posible formular la contradicción existente en el mundo culinario entre lo que es una una fruta como parte de una planta y lo que es considerado una verdura (véase diagrama para más aclaración).
Se menciona a menudo en la literatura que la verdura forma parte de un subconjunto de las hortalizas. Existe, no obstante, una regla básica que menciona ciertas propiedades: como la posesión de hojas verdes (lechuga), tallos (espárrago), raíces (zanahorias), flores (broccoli), bulbos (ajo), semillas (habas y frijoles) hace pensar en verduras, mientras que se definen frutas desde un punto de vista botánico a los calabacines, las frutas desde el punto de vista botánico poseen organos reproductivos y contienen una o varias semillas, mientras que las verduras son organos vegetativos que dan sustento a la planta.
El mérito de la cuestión es ¿Es una fruta, o es un vegetal? el caso es que la Corte Suprema de los Estados Unidos se pronunció una vez en la historia en el caso Nix v. Hedden en el año 1883 juzgando que el tomate es una verdura para los propósitos de la 1883 Tariff Act llegando a pensar sin embargo que en términos botánicos el tomate es una fruta.
El concepto:
Las verduras son hortalizas en las que la parte comestible son los órganos verdes de la planta, tal y como pueden ser los tallos, las hojas,etc. y que forman parte de la alimentación humana. Casi todas ellas, son de bajo contenido en grasas y calorías, representando además fuentes de vitaminas, minerales, fibra e hidratos de carbono.
Por regla general se denomina así a cualquier planta comestible (generalmente cultivada), la definición de lo que es verdura es de uso más 'popular' que 'científico' y está sujeta a diversas interpretaciones culturales. Desde un punto de vista culinario las plantas (o sus frutos) que poseen un un sabor no-dulce (salvo algunas excepciones) se consideran verduras. La producción comercial de verduras es una rama de la horticultura denominada olericultura.
domingo, 2 de marzo de 2008
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